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Monitor Your Heart with an ECG


ECGs at Westridge Medical are often performed to monitor the health of people diagnosed with heart problems. An ECG helps to assess artificial cardiac pacemakers or to monitor the effects of certain medications on one’s heart.

If you have suffered from symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, fainting or fast or irregular heartbeats (palpitations), then you should see your GP, you may need an ECG.

What is an electrocardiogram (ECG)?

An electrocardiogram is commonly used to detect heart problems and monitor the heart in different situations. An ECG is a routine and painless cardiac investigation, providing  results very quickly. Depending on the circumstances it can detect the presence of an arrhythmia, a restriction of blood flow, the effect of drugs and even the presence of an electrical disturbance that could be affecting your heart’s function.

The electrocardiograph records the electrical activity of the heart muscle and displays this data as a trace on a screen or on paper. This data is then interpreted by a medical practitioner.

ECGs from healthy hearts have a characteristic shape. Any irregularity in the heart rhythm or damage to the heart muscle can change the electrical activity of the heart so that the shape of the ECG is changed. 
A doctor may recommend an ECG for people who may be at risk of heart disease because there is a family history of heart disease, or because they smoke, are overweight, or have diabetes, high cholesterol or high blood pressure. 

What’s involved in an ECG?

An ECG is a quick and non-invasive routine test. Here’s what you can expect from an ECG:

  • Electrodes (small metal disks) will be attached to your chest and your limbs.
  • The electrodes have wires which attach to the electrocardiograph machine that record and print out cardiac electrical activity.
  • The test is usually completed within 5 minutes


After your doctor at Westridge Medical Toowoomba has completed your ECG, the results may be reviewed by a Cardiologist to determine if any medications or treatments are required to improve your heart’s condition. A follow up test maybe required, depending on your initial results.

how can i keep my heart healthy?

  • Keep a heart healthy diet which includes fruit & veg, wholegrain cereals with natural grains, choose healthy fats, use herbs and spices instead of salt. 
  • Regular physical activity is vital to reduce your risk of having a heart attack or developing heart disease. 
  • Quitting smoking will decrease your risk of heart attack and stroke. 
  • Understand how to controlling cholesterol and blood pressure which is key to your heart health. 
  •  Eat fish at least twice a week – including a portion of oily fish. The source of omega-3 fats may help protect against heart disease.
  • Drink less alcohol! Don’t forget alcohol contains calories, stick to the recommended daily alcohol limits.
  • Read the food label… check calories, fat and sugar content on packaging to make healthier choices. See this link for more information on reading food labels.
Heart care Westridge Medical ECG

Keeping your heart healthy is something you can work on every day! Eating well, sleeping well and exercising all contribute to a healthier heart!

If you have any heart concerns book an appointment with your GP at Westridge Medical on 0746366884.